By Emmanuel Tarquino
The event was attending at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, in the center of the Colombian capital, starting from Friday, October 12 at 09:00 hours.
First of all, Mr. Edwin Molina, president of Aprecol, welcomed the participants, then framed that this symposium is directed from the confidence of the entire emerald guild, showing the best of Colombian mining to the world. He also talks about the objectives of the Symposium and the work methodology to be developed.
Later, the president of CIBJO (WORLD JEWELERY CONFEDERATION) Gaetano Cavalier, expressed his pleasure for the realization of this Symposium, and explained that the issue of emeralds has been treated, using the latest technological innovations throughout the mining process of modernization. He also stressed the importance of carrying out this kind of events, since it seeks a global knowledge of the participants, exchanges experiences among them and designs guidelines for a work plan that will continue with this work towards the future.
After that, Mr. Ronald Ringsrud, author of the book, “Emeralds a passionate guide”, said that it was a real pleasure to attend this event, which gave it great importance due to the quality of guests and highlighted the great importance they have today in day the emeralds among young people as a cultural impulse in the world. In fact, he referred to the works of art around Bogotá, where precious stones were used in their different garments.

During the Symposium, plenaries were held, which took place from Friday, October 12 to Sunday, October 14. Geology was one of the most explained points. The Professor PhD. Gian Carlo Parodi explained the importance of designing actions that allow facing the future with stability and overcome problems that may cause difficulties in the treatment system with precious stones.
On Saturday, October 13, Germán Forero, General Manager Esmeraldas Santa Rosa, highlighted the need to generate policies of cooperation and mutual assistance among all the affiliated unions in order to advance in the indicated direction facilitating foreign trade positioning efficiency and quality of the Colombian emeralds. Likewise, he thanked the invitation to this Symposium and expressed that his main interest was to motivate the participants to look to the future with a new criterion and with an orientation tending to maintain confidence in the sector.
Then, In the part of corporate social responsibility, Òscar Baquero, president of Fedesmeraldas, referred to the definition of objectives, orientation and practical actions that have been carried out, all of them with a view to a strategic improvement of foreign trade and search of efficiency in what has to do with the quality of the Colombian Emeralds.
According the ethical issue, the president of Aprecol, Dr. Edwin Molina, highlighted the areas of cooperation among all sectors attending the Symposium, the search for joint objectives to encourage collaborative processes among all.

About at the close of his speech, Dr. Molina recommended the need to integrate all the guilds in attendance, in order to achieve an excellent spirit of cooperation and mutual benefit.
On October 14, Mr. Gerard Martayan, is a geo scientist who has traveled multiple times to Colombia, visiting the different mines of Esmeralda, he made an exhibition about the quality of Colombian stones, explaining the difficult conditions that face Colombian miners daily, but that type of problems does not affect them at all and, on the contrary, they are always motivated to extract the best emeralds. It is the illusion to find increasingly pure and perfect stones, said Martayan.
Then, the Governor of Boyacá, Carlos Amaya, attended the Symposium, explaining his collaboration and support to the mining sector, guaranteeing more control and vigilance in relation to environmental protection. He held a meeting, with the emeraldiferous guild, listening to their different problems and providing solutions in the short and medium term
Finally, the closing of the II International Symposium of Esmeraldas, where the National Government, on the part of the Deputy Minister of Mines, Carolina Rojas, announced that from the public policy they are willing to support the arrival of a new era for the Colombian emerald, they are totally committed to the sector.