On April 22 of this year, Esmeraldas Santa Rosa, through its rescue unit, provided accompaniment to Mr. Silverio Pineda who suffered an unfortunate accident in the Guarumal point, in the Zulia municipality of Maripi, providing first aid from our nurse Claudia Coca, who give him all the attention and provided all her knowledge, providing first aid and then, was placed with all security systems and control within the respective vehicle of the company.

Then, Mr. Pineda was transferred to the Edgar Alfonso Pulido Solano emergency center in the municipality of Pauna in order to be hospitalized. His son, took over from that moment for the respective care of his father father.

Finally, for Esmeraldas Santa Rosa this kind of situations will always be a commitment, preserving not only the lives of all those who have business with our company but for all the common citizens, to whom we owe daily.